JQuery has been taking the web by storm since early 2006. It has allowed developers to life, sites they could only dream about before. JQuery allows a degree of interaction which before would have to be done via a CGI. Here are seven scripts which demonstrate the beauty of JQuery.
LavaLamp takes rollovers to a new level. Unlike the tradition roll over, LavaLamp simulates the rollover moving from one element to the next, similar to the motion of a lava lamp. If you are using rollovers on your site right now, this is a great script to think about adding to your site.
InnerFade with JQuery
Flash is very popular due to it’s animations and the ability to do transitions. InnerFade with Jquery provides a nice, smooth, Flash like fade for your site without the need for Flash. This feature would be very nice if you have a site which needs to transition between multiple images.
JQuery Calendar
Coding calendars can be a developer’s nightmare. There are so many variables to take into consideration, such as is the year a leap year, how many days are in the month. Jquery is here to help make those a little easier. JQuery Calendar will not only take the pain out of coding a calendar, but also make the calendar more interactive.
Slider Gallery
Gallery’s are very popular, but most of them are boring, generic and take up a lot of “room”. Slider Gallery gives you a way to make your gallery a more interactive, flashy, and best of all it doesn’t take up a lot of room. It would be very simple to add this script to any current website that has a gallery.
SlideDown Menu with Animation
Toggling elements can be done with JavaScript, but it is not very attractive. SlideDown menu adds a very nice animation which makes the toggling of an element more sophisticated rather than just appearing.
JQuery UI Slider
Sliders give your site more interactive elements, but they replace what users are familiar with. JQuery UI Slider provides an interactive slider, and still gives users something, a drop down menu, to fall back to if they don’t know how to use the slider, and do it in a professional design.
Horizontal Accordion
JQuery gives developers ways to envision their sites completely different than what they could have in the past. Horizontal Accordion is one of those scripts. It gives the developer the option incorporate what could have been multiple pages into one page with a professional look.